Cullman High BearcatsCullman High School Class of 1969
Cullman, Alabama

David Sandlin enjoying a sweet ride!
David Sandlin enjoying a sweet ride!
David Sandlin enjoying another sweet ride
David Sandlin enjoying another sweet ride. The man likes to ride.
Cora Cook & Isabella
Cora Cook Kimbrough with grandaughter Isabella. "I call her Duchess, and she calls me Queenie."

Phil and Patti Freeman's clan.

Patrice Henderson Blanchard's daughter Danny and friend at Great Wall of China

Danny Blanchard in a parade. She's a beauty queen!

Cora Cook Kimbrough family clan.

Chuck Puckett's family: Rosemary, Ruthie, Lily and Carol.

Nelda Nicklaus Powell's daughter Brandi and Nelda's two grand-sons, Logan & Austin

Nelda Nicklaus Powell's grandchildren, Logan & Austin